We're proud to offer all non-profits a 10% discount on Join It's monthly and annual subscriptions.
This discount can be combined with Join It's 10% discount for Annual payments, which makes the service very affordable. Even for the most price-conscious of customers.
How To Apply
We also make the application and approval of this discount incredibly easy!
When you sign up for your subscription, you'll self-select that you're a non-profit.
Then just submit your proof of nonprofit status to support@joinit.com and you're all set!
If you've already purchased a subscription, that's no problem! We'd be happy to apply this discount to all future payments.
What counts for Proof of Nonprofit
For our operations, we need to have proof of nonprofit for all organizations when we extend the discount.
Common proof of nonprofit status:
Proof of charity organization type (e.g. in the United States, this could be organizations that are 501c3, 501c4, etc. -- in the UK and some parts of Europe, this can be evidence of being a registered charity with the government)
Proof of tax exemption from your government
In cases where neither is available, we'll accept your organization's by-laws, constitution, or mission statement as proof when a nonprofit intention is stated.
Full details of Join It's pricing can be viewed here: https://joinit.com/pricing
Have additional questions on how this might apply to your organization? Chat us!