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Gift Memberships

Learn more about how to enable Gift Memberships, so that consumers can buy memberships on behalf of others

Mitch Colleran avatar
Written by Mitch Colleran
Updated over a week ago

In fall of 2022, Join It shipped a new feature that supports the purchasing of Gift Memberships. A gift membership is when a consumer purchases a Membership for some one else.

When building this feature, there were many considerations that were made to facilitate this process to make it smooth for the Gift Giver, Gift Recipient, and admins of the Organization.

Quick Video Summary of Gift Memberships


  • When purchasing a gift, an account will not be created for the Gift Giver

  • When purchasing a gift, the Gift Giver can add a short custom message

  • When purchasing a gift, the Gift Giver will receive a confirmation email

  • When purchasing a gift, a password will not be collected for the member (Gift Recipient)

  • When receiving a gift, the member (Gift Recipient) will receive a membership confirmation email with the Gift Giver's message

  • For organizations, we’ve created a URL for their profile that puts Gift Giver into the purchase flow for buying a ‘Gift’ membership.

    • This makes it easy to link to a list of all your memberships, so organizations can link to this URL from their website behind a ‘Call To Action’ like ‘Buy a Gift’

  • For organizations, we’ve also enabled a way for them to link directly to specific Membership Type for folks to purchase a ‘Gift Membership’

    • This makes it easy to link to an individual membership type, so organizations can link to this URL from their website behind a ‘Call To Action’ like ‘Gift an Annual Gold Membership’ (where ‘Annual Gold Membership’ is the name of your Membership Type)


Screenshot #1 - Checkout page when the Gift Membership option is active

Screenshot #2 - Confirmation email with Gift details

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