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Member Experience
Learn what your members can do on Join It.
Member DirectoryOrganizations can enable a Member Directory within their Member Portal. This Portal can be for Members-only or displayed publicly.
Gift MembershipsLearn more about how to enable Gift Memberships, so that consumers can buy memberships on behalf of others
Widgets for your Member PortalLearn more about the widgets that link your Members Portal
Setting up the "Contact Us" button on your Members PortalLearn more about how we handle visitors to your profile who want to contact your Organization
How members can switch Membership Types during RenewalLearn more about how Join It makes it simple for your members to switch Membership Types (upgrade / downgrade) during their renewal process
Seeing from a Members perspectiveDiscover how to view Join It from your Members' perspective
Switching the Language of Join ItLearn how to update your Account's language setting on Join It
How members can view and download their payment receipts and invoices (in PDF)Learn how members can view and download their receipts/invoices for their membership payments
How Members claim an account and set a passwordLearn how your members can claim their account to update information, payment details, and manage their membership.
How does a Member update their payment card?Members can update their credit card or other payment information by logging into their profile with your organization.
How members can cancel their memberships and/or automatic rebillingMembers can cancel their membership or recurring payment by logging into their member portal
Unlocking Personalized Avatars with Gravatar at Join ItJoin It integrates with Gravatar, a service that simplifies managing online avatars.