We understand the importance of data when managing your memberships. That’s why we developed various Metrics to provide valuable insights.
Where are these Metrics found?
You can access these graphs by going to the Insights tab and selecting 'Metrics'.
These Metrics include:
Membership Metrics
This graph allows for overlay of different trend-lines for your:
New Members
Churned Members
Renewed Members
Active Members
Financial Metrics
These graphs display the number of Payments and their Payment value.
Communication Metrics
This graph displays the emails sent, categorized by email types.
Enhanced Features for Metrics
Explore these additional options available within the graphs:
Choose the timeframe with date selectors
Choose the 'grouping' (monthly, weekly, or yearly) for reporting
Download these charts as images, so that they can be easily shared
Frequently Asked Questions
Why isn't data populating immediately?
Great question! Currently, the calculation of all of the metrics takes a decent amount of CPU and strain on the database.
To keep our app available, stable, and responsive - we currently calculate the metrics on a monthly basis when we generate the End of Month reports.