We're excited to introduce an additional Automated Report, which we're calling the Monthly Report. Now, this is available in addition the previously launched Weekly Metrics.
You can enable and update these Automated Reports within your admin Dashboard here: https://app.joinit.com/automated-reports
Examples and Screenshots
Membership Summary
Quick summary showing the most important memberships stats for the month covered by the Monthly Report.
Payments Summary
The Payments Summary shows the total value of the payments and the quantity of payments processed.
Summary of Membership Types
The Summary of Membership Types is a table that breaks down by Membership Type and shows the respective Active Memberships and net New Memberships for the month.
Screenshot #1 - Screenshot showing the Membership Summary, Payments Summary, and Summary of Membership Types:
Active Memberships Growth
A time series chart that shows the growth, or decline, of Active Memberships over time.
Memberships Growth by Month - Renewals vs New
A dual Bar Chart that shows the contributions to Membership Growth by a count of Renewed Memberships vs New Memberships.
Frequently Asked Questions
Either chat us or email us (support@joinit.com) to ask any questions! We'll post popular questions here.