"Off-boarding" from Join It

A few helpful hints if you're leaving the platform.

Mitch Colleran avatar
Written by Mitch Colleran
Updated over a week ago

Thanks for your use of Join It -- whether you were just trying us out, were with us for a month, or over a year -- we're thankful for the opportunity we had to work together! 

This document will share some resources to make sure you're successful with your transition off of Join It. 

If you're just Downgrading but not leaving Join It

You most likely landed on this article because you cancelled your Package with Join It -- however, if you're intending on just using our Free monthly Package then you can ignore most of this article. :) 

This article helps with Organizations that fully want to transition off of Join It complete. 

If you're leaving Join It entirely

Below is some advice for Organizations that are leaving Join It entirely. Depending on the situation of your Organization (e.g. are you shutting down completely? Or just transitioning platforms?), your needs may differ.

Handling Memberships that Automatically re-bill

If you have automatically re-billing Memberships, then we first need to decide how you want these to be handled when you're leaving Join It. Often Organizations will leave their Automatic Re-billing Memberships in the connected Stripe account (and then handle the recording of these payments in their new system) but we're also able to help you cancel these en mass. 

One thing to note with cancelling the automatic re-billing Memberships is that the Members data needs to still be within Join It in order for us to write a custom script to cancel the automatically re-billing within Stripe in mass.

Exporting your Membership Data

You can export your Membership Data here: https://www.joinit.org/members/export

You can export your Payment Data here: https://www.joinit.org/finances (scroll to the bottom)

Removing Membership Data

When you're able to, you should remove your Membership Data entirely -- this can be done here: https://www.joinit.org/settings/reset-data

Removing Integrations

During setup, you most likely connected Join It to other platforms (like Stripe, Mailchimp, or Eventbrite) - so before you go, you should sever that connection: https://app.joinit.com/settings/integrations

Pausing Automated Emails 

If you're unable to completely remove your Membership data at the moment, you should pause your Automated Emails, so that members are no longer receiving notifications from Join It: https://www.joinit.org/notifications 

If you've already removed your Membership data (preferred method), then you're good to go! 

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