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Overview of Constant Contact Automation
Overview of Constant Contact Automation

Learn how to connect a member database to Constant Contact. Plus, step-by-step instructions on building Segments. e.g. Active members-only.

Mitch Colleran avatar
Written by Mitch Colleran
Updated over a year ago

Join It has integrated with Constant Contact to help keep your mailing lists in sync with your membership database. 

What does it do?

With this automation, new members will automatically be added to a selected list in Constant Contact. Organizations have the option to: 

  • Syncs your memberships to a single selected list or multiple lists at once

  • Pushes extra membership details (e.g. Status of Membership, Membership Type), so that you can build important Segments (e.g. Active Members Only, Expired Members)

  • Syncs your memberships from a specific membership type to a selected list

  • Setup multiple automations, so memberships from specific membership types can go to separate lists. 

Here's a quick video rundown of what this integrations does:

How do I set it up?

To connect Constant Contact and make sure your new members are automatically added to the appropriate Constant Contact list, follow these steps: 

  1. Sign up for you account on Join It and go through the onboarding process to get your initial set-up.

  2. To connect your Constant Contact account, navigate to the Automations section of Join It.

  3. Select the tile that's labeled Constant Contact

  4. If you haven't already connected your Constant Contact account, then you'll be prompted to click on the button that says "Connect Constant Contact" and then login with your Constant Contact credentials.

  5. Select which membership types you want to be included in the setup of this automation (you can select 'All Members' or a single membership type). 

  6. Select whether you want Constant Contact to sync to a single list or multiple lists. 

  7. Select which Constant Contact List(s) you want your members automatically added to.

  8. Click 'Create Automation' and you're all set! All new Members will be automatically added.

Does Join It sync over the current Active Members?

Yes, when an Automation is created between Join It and Constant Contact, it'll do a one-time sync where it pushes all of the 'Active' members within Join It to Constant Contact.

What Membership Information is Synced

Join It will automatically sync the following information to Constant Contact when adding a Contact record for memberships: 

  • Email Address

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Company*

  • Job Title*

  • Address*

  • Phone*

  • Birthday Month*

  • Birthday Date*

  • Membership Type

  • Membership Status

  • Expiration Date

*Fields will only be added to Constant Contact if they are collected in the membership form

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I send to only my Active members?

Yes! Within Constant Contact, you can build a 'Segment' (you only have to do this once, you can re-use the Segments once you build them) that sends to your contacts.

To walk you through this, our CEO does a quick Demo below:

How do I build a Segment off Membership Data?

We built the integration to be flexible and powerful, so this means that we wanted to push in membership details that you can use to Segment and send emails.

The most popular details for a Segment are:

  • Status of Membership (values: Prospective, Pending, Active, Expired, Cancelled)

  • Membership Type (values: names of your Membership Types)

  • Expiration Dates

From within your Dashboard in Constant Contact:

  1. Use the 'Contacts' dropdown in the Header, then navigate to 'Segments'

  2. Click the button that says 'Create Segment'

  3. Choose a name for the Segment, e.g. 'Active Members'

  4. In the 'Choose a Criteria Block', select 'Contact Details'

  5. A new dropdown will appear, and then select 'Custom Field'

  6. Select the Custom Field (e.g. 'Status of Membership')

  7. Select the qualifier value (e.g. 'is' = when you want to build a segment for when the Custom Field is equal to the answer provided)

  8. Select the 'Custom Field' value (e.g. 'Active')

  9. Create the segment! You'e all set!

When I set this up, will it sync my existing members already in my database?

Yes! When you set up the Automation, the system will backdate up to 5000 members that are already in your members database.

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