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Join It Automations
Join It Automations

Learn about all the ways that you can connect Join It to other best-in-class services.

Webhooks OverviewLearn a more about how to extend the Join It service to connect to other software
QuickBooks Overview: How to Sync Member PaymentsLearn more about our new Automation to sync Member Payments to QuickBooks
Overview of Google AnalyticsSyncing your web traffic to Google Analytics is Quick and Easy
Zapier Overview: Connect your Membership Management to 1000s of other platformsLearn more about setting up Zapier with Join It to streamline your memberships
Sync Membership Database to MailChimpKeep your email communication lists up-to-date with no manual work
Overview of Slack AutomationLearn how you can connect your Join It membership database to Slack
Overview of the Kindful IntegrationLearn how to set up the Kindful integration and all the features for connecting your Membership to your Donor database
Sync your members to SendlaneLearn more about how Join It syncs with Sendlane
Overview of Emma AutomationLearn how to keep your Join It membership database in sync with your Emma lists.
Overview of Constant Contact AutomationLearn how to connect a member database to Constant Contact. Plus, step-by-step instructions on building Segments. e.g. Active members-only.
Connect your membership database with Campaign MonitorLearn how to setup the syncing between your membership database and Campaign Monitor Email Marketing platform.
Overview of SurveyMonkey AutomationSend surveys to your Membership via SurveyMonkey
Automatically Inviting Members to your Slack groupLearn how to set up automatic invitations for members to join your Slack group
WordPress Overview: Creating Member Logins for WordPressLearn more about the different ways that your can connect your website
Integration with XeroLearn more about building an integration with Xero
Redeeming Membership benefits on EventbriteLearn more about how Members receive their Eventbrite benefits through Join It
Eventbrite Integration OverviewDescribes key features and steps to set up the integration
Overview of VenuePilot Partnership and IntegrationWe're thrilled to partner with VenuePilot to offer an integration that connects two best-in-class products for our customers.
Klaviyo Membership Integration
Mailjet Overview: Syncing your Members to MailjetLearn more about Mailjet Membership Management
Overview of SmartWaiver IntegrationLearn more about our integration with SmartWaiver