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Zoom Deprecation Announcement

Details on the deprecated Zoom app

Mitch Colleran avatar
Written by Mitch Colleran
Updated over a week ago

Deprecation Announcement

In early 2024, we had to deprecate our direct integration with Zoom.

Through our conversations directly with the Zoom team - it was determined that the current functionality of the integration did not provide enough material utility to be supported.

In combination with low user adoption, the difficult decision was made to deprecate support for the direct integration.

Additional Information

For additional context, the now-deprecated Zoom integration would 'sync' Zoom Webinars and Meetings from a connected Zoom account to 'Event Listings' within the Member Portal.

Often, when customers would connect Zoom to their account on Join It - this wasn't the correct features/utility that they expected.

So we're back to the 'drawing board' in some respects - if you're looking for specific functionality in a connection between Zoom and Join It, then we'd love to hear it!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did you decide to deprecate the integration?

Zoom is primarily an enterprise platform, and participation in their App Marketplace comes at an ongoing development costs. We were diverting more resources to supporting an integration that very few organizations were actually using.

Would you rebuild another integration with Zoom?

Actually, yes! If we found a really solid use-case and there was high enough demand from our customers - where it made sense to prioritize this over other features in our backlog - we would consider rebuilding a better integration.

Is there anyway to connect Join It to my Zoom account?

Yep! You can connect Join It to Zoom via 3rd party connectors like Zapier.

In fact, we've built a template that makes this even easier.

As always, feel free to reach out to us with any feedback or questions at


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