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How do I manually add a member?

Adding a member to your database through your Join It administrator account

Leah Pelkey avatar
Written by Leah Pelkey
Updated over a week ago

Introduction to Adding Members to your Database

With Join It, there are a variety of ways that members can easily be added to your member database -- each of the following methods for adding a member meets unique cases and needs of different organizations: 

  1. Organization admins can add members through their admin Dashboard

  2. Organization admins can bulk import their members into their membership database (via CSV, Excel, or Google Sheets files). 

  3. Members can join themselves through your Organization's profile

  4. Members can be synced from external systems (like Eventbrite). 

Instructions for Adding a Member Manually

Adding a member through your administrator dashboard is quick and super easy within Join It!

  1. From your Dashboard, select the 'Members' page from the navigation

  2. Then click the tab that says "Add Members".

  3. Select which Membership Type you want to add the member to and fill out the respective fields. Then you're all set!

  4. If necessary, add a note of any payment received either through an Offline Payment or through one of our Online or Backend Payment gateways

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