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Managing Your Members and Membership Database
Managing Your Members and Membership Database

How to set up your membership database and manage your Organization's members.

Bulk Updating your Membership informationLearn more about how to bulk update your Members information
After Bulk ImportYour Bulk Import is complete - now what?
How Member Renewals workLearn exactly how you can help Members can renew their Membership.
Set Merge Rules to Automatically Merge MembersLearn about how your can select your Merge Rules to Automatically Merge Members and Prevent Duplicates
Pre-filling information on the Membership FormLearn how you can pre-fill information on the Membership Form when linking from your site.
Preventing Duplicate Membership RecordsLearn about Join It's tools and features for preventing duplicate membership records
Adjust the Primary Field of your MembersLearn about the different settings for the Primary Field on Membership records.
Understanding Membership Records in Join ItDetails on what a Membership record will display within your Membership Database
Creating and Managing Discounts for your MembersLearn how to create and manage discounts, trials, and coupons for your members
Tracking the status of membersLearn how to track the different stages of your members. We help track the entire life-cycle of your members.
How do I manually add a member?Adding a member to your database through your Join It administrator account
Importing your MembersLearn what information needs to be provided to Join It in order to get your members imported.
Deleting a Member from your OrganizationClean up membership data by removing it from your member table
Overview of Exporting your Member DataLearn how to pull your complete membership table into a CSV file for deeper analysis.
Understanding the Relationship Between Memberships and Accounts in Join ItMore complex organizations might be interested in reading a detailed explanation of Account vs Memberships
Bulk deleting your MembersLearn how to delete your Members in bulk
Bulk importing Members with Stripe SubscriptionsHere's where you can learn how to bring over your Members with Stripe subscriptions to Join It
Membership CommentsLearn more on how to utilize Membership Comments!
Adding Membership PaymentsLearn more about different method of adding payment to members.
New Search for MembershipsLearn more about our new and improved Search function
Filter your Members Table by a Custom FieldLearn more about the options available to filter your Members Table by a Custom Field.
Members with multiple Stripe subscriptionsLearn more about members with multiple Stripe subscriptions
How to Merge Membership RecordsLearn more about our tool for Merging Membership Records
How to cancel a Membership's auto rebillingAs an Org Admin, it's easy to cancel a Membership's automatic rebilling (Subscription) from a Membership Record.