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How Member Renewals work

Learn exactly how you can help Members can renew their Membership.

Leah Pelkey avatar
Written by Leah Pelkey
Updated over a week ago

It's time for your Organization's Renewals to start processing, what is the best way to go about this?

When your members are due to renew, Join It is here to help make it easy! Whether you process renewals on a rolling basis or use a Fixed Expiration Date to begin a renewal period, Join It makes it easy to remind your members, increases conversion by auto-populating information, and reduces member churn by making it simple to use!

There are a couple of ways of sending out Reminders for Renewals:

  • Quick and Emails can be manually sent out. This is helpful if you want to manually send out the Renewals to Members yourself. This is a great article that can help more with this!

  • Automated Renewal Reminders can be set up to automatically be sent out 1, 2, 7, and 30 days ahead of membership expiration (you can also set up multiple reminders to go out as well - so if you wanted it to be sent out 30 days prior and 7 days prior you can do that as well!) This is great because it does all of the work for you! Here's an article that can go more in depth on this as well.

  • Furthermore, the Inactive notices which have the same call to action as the Renewal Reminders are also great to have set up for when a Member Expires or Cancels their Membership. This article is very helpful on that.

Where can I find these two options?

  • You can find the Quick and Easy emails under the Communication's tab, then click on 'Quick & Easy Email', then click 'Send Emails'.

  • You can find all of the Automated Emails under the Communication's tab, then click on 'Automated Emails'. There you'll see all of the different automated emails!

Here's an example of what the Renewal checkout screen would look like:

Once the Member receives the Email, what happens?

  • The Member will click the green 'Renew Membership' button within the Email.

  • That will take them directly to the Renewal screen, where they can update any of their information, agree to any waivers and add in their payment information to Renew their Membership. The member's existing information is prepopulated based on the unique link from the 'Renew Membership' button.

  • They'll also get a Confirmation of Renewal if you have the Automated Confirmation email Type B set up to go out. You can find that here.

  • After that, they're all set, they've Renewed their Membership and are good to go! :)

Here's an example of the 'Renew Membership' button within the Member portal:

Members can also Renew on their own within the Member Portal:

  1. The first step would be for the Member to login to their Member portal using their Email and the Password they set for their account (If they were Bulk Imported into the your database and they haven't claim their account yet, you can help them do that with this article here).

  2. Then once they've logged into their Member portal, they'll see a spot where they can click that says "Renew Membership" (shown in the screenshot above).

  3. Once they've clicked on that, they'll be brought to the Renewal checkout page.

I always think the best way to learn something, is to give it a try!

I would highly suggest adding yourself as a Member (here's an article to walk you through that) and then send a Quick and easy Renewal Reminder Email to yourself to test out how Renewals work. :)

One other thing I like to note, if you have Fixed Expiration dates set up for your Membership types, I would highly suggest updating those dates to the correct new renewal dates prior to sending out the Renewal Reminders. That way Members will take on the new Renewal date! You can learn more about Fixed Expiration date Membership types here.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions on this!

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