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Membership Confirmations (Type B) - When a member renews, we send a a renewal confirmation
Membership Confirmations (Type B) - When a member renews, we send a a renewal confirmation

Learn more about Membership Confirmations (Type B) that are sent after a member renews their membership with your organization

Mitch Colleran avatar
Written by Mitch Colleran
Updated over a year ago

Automated Emails Overview

As a membership platform, Join It supports our customers by automating the membership life-cycle. For each of our customers, this frequently automates 100s of hours per month of a previous manual task.

One of these membership life-cycle events is when a member renews their membership via the member portal. When this event occurs, the system will send a Membership Confirmation (Type B).

As an aside, there's a separate email called Membership Confirmation (Type A) which is triggered upon a member first joining your organization - so that you can customize the message separately for each of these different scenarios.

Details of Membership Confirmation (Type B)

Membership Confirmation (Type B) emails are automatically sent once a member renews their membership with your Organization.

Features of Membership Confirmation (Type B)

  • Customizable message (can be set by Membership Type): Many organizations will include custom messages in the Membership Confirmation to deliver members-only information immediately after sign up.

  • Adjust which admins are notified: In the Communications tab, organizations can adjust which admins are included on BCC of this type of message.

  • Optionally Turn Off: Additionally, there's the option to turn off the Membership Confirmation (Type A) emails. This could be helpful if you want to send these emails out manually or through another connected system.Example of Renewal Confirmation Email

Example of Membership Confirmation (Type B)

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