Wrestling with CSVs and excel files is a huge pain! But practice makes perfect, so we're more than happy to help with importing your old financial/payment data into your membership database.
NOTE: Importing Historical Financial Data / Payments is available to organizations on our Total Package and above.
Financial Data Overview
First, a quick note on how financial data is stored within your members database.
All payment records within Join It must be attached to a member record. With respects to the importing of this data, this means that there needs to be an email associated with each payment.
How to Import Financial Data
The financial data that you're importing should include the following columns:
email - The primary way that Join It associates Payments is through 'members'/owners rather than individual 'memberships' -- this architecture is critical because Payments can pay for multiple Memberships (by design, it's not a simple one-to-one relationship).
currency - 'usd' or similar 3-letter ISO code
payment_date - formatted as YYYY-MM-DD
payment_value - we use zero-decimal integers for payment values. All amounts to be provided in a currency’s smallest unit. For example, to charge 10 USD, provide an amount value of 1000 (i.e., 1000 cents).
notes - add custom notes to each payment (viewable by member)
Because we're associating all payments with a membership, certain fields do not have to be imported with the payment (e.g. Membership Types, Expiration Date, Member information. etc.) because it's already stored alongside the member object.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I sync Members Stripe information?
Yes, you can sync Members Stripe Subscription IDs and Card Details if you were previously/already connected to Stripe. Contact us for more information regarding this.