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Eventbrite Integration Overview
Eventbrite Integration Overview

Describes key features and steps to set up the integration

Leah Pelkey avatar
Written by Leah Pelkey
Updated over 10 months ago

Eventbrite Integration Summary

This article will walk you through an overview of the useful link we’ve created between Join It and Eventbrite. Step-by-step directions will guide you through the initial profile syncing with follow on sections detailing the different aspects of the Eventbrite integration.

As one of our first integrations, Eventbrite is a core components of Join It’s functionality. The overarching goal is to create a seamless linkage between your member database and events that you manage through Eventbrite.

Once you’ve synced your Join It and Eventbrite profiles, your organization can benefit from…

  • Real-time syncing between Join It and Eventbrite: if a new member joins your organization, this addition will be passed on to any applicable Eventbrite events

  • Offering discount and access codes: enable members to benefit from reduced prices to your events

  • Flexible mapping of member benefits to your events: create discount and access codes for all events, specific events, or groups of tickets.

  • Connecting event ticket orders and attendance to your members: Eventbrite orders and check-ins are recorded in your Join It dashboard and tied to a specific member. We also sync orders of non-members, tagging them as ‘Prospective’ for potential follow up!

In addition to all of this info, we want to also offer a great video tutorial on how this all works here!

So let’s get started…

Link your Eventbrite and Join It accounts

Step 1: Setup your Eventbrite profile and events

  • Creating your Eventbrite account is simple, as is adding events. If you currently do not have any events scheduled, we’d suggest creating a test event to explore the functionality.

  • The event creation process on Eventbrite is quick and intuitive, but for additional help, you can check out this article

  • Within your Join It Dashboard, you can navigate to the Automations section and select the Eventbrite tile -- or just use this link:

  • Once you've completed this link, you have the choice on whether you want to set up an event discount (or access codes) created for members or set up a data sync (events, orders, check-ins). Once you make your selection, you'll be redirect to the next experience. 

Sync discount and access codes for new members

Discount and access codes are one of the primary incentives that organizations can use as a benefit to their members. While these two types of codes both result in a price reduction, there are slight differences

  • Discount codes: quite simply, these enable members to get a percent or fixed dollar discount to a ticket price. To access the discount, a member usually uses their email address as a code on the checkout screen.

  • Access codes: access codes are a great way to password-protect hidden tickets reserved for sponsors, members of the press and media, or employees in order to get a comprehensive view of your event’s reach

Step 1: Select the scope of the discount or access codes

Discount Codes: You have three options to choose from here: single event, all tickets, or ticket group

  • Single event: once you’ve linked your Join It and Eventbrite accounts, you can select which event you’d like to apply a discount or access code to

  • All tickets: if you have a membership tier that gets a permanent discount to your events, e.g. 100% off, you can have this discount applied to all events

  • Ticket group: less frequent, but for Eventbrite power-users, you can select a discount code to apply to a ticket group. More information on ticket groups is available here

Access Codes: similar to discount codes, choose to either apply an access code to all your hidden tickets or to a specific ticket group

Step 2: Select which membership tiers should receive the discount

  • You can provide discount and access codes to all members or to specific tiers

  • If you choose to create a different discount for various tiers, you will need to go through the creation of a code for each applicable membership type 

Step 3: Define the code

  • How much of a discount should a member get: Apply either a percent or fixed dollar amount. Also, you can indicate how many of these discount codes should be made available -- most of our organizations do not provide a limit, however.

  • How many times should a member be able to use a code.

Other Eventbrite Automations

Sync Eventbrite Events

This automation will automatically import events from your Eventbrite account as soon as they are published. This way, the events listed on your Join It profile will never be out of sync with the events that live within your Eventbrite account.

Sync Eventbrite Orders

Enabling this automation will allow you to track ticket purchases as they occur in real time. As a member places an order for a ticket, a note will be logged in your timeline as well as in the member’s specific profile within the dashboard.

What’s more, if a ticket order is made by someone that is not a current member of your organization, they will automatically added to your member list as a “Prospective” member for future follow up. 

Note: For the members to be imported as "Prospective", you'll want to make sure the Membership type chosen reflects this Status when a new member joins. You can change the Status for new members under the respective Membership type's 'Assigned Members Statuses' setting. 

Sync Eventbrite Check-Ins

This automation will automatically import attendee check-ins from your Eventbrite account so that as soon as an attendee is checked-in to an event, we'll make a note on their member record.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are the Eventbrite codes deleted/deactivated when a member cancels/expires?

Absolutely! When a membership goes 'Inactive', the respective code in Eventbrite will be deleted or 'deactivated' (in Eventbrite's case, codes that have been used can't be deleted -- so they are deactivated by setting the quantity available to the quantity used). 

When a Member renews their Membership, will this 'refresh' the amount of uses available in Eventbrite as well? 

Yep! When a member renews their Memberships via Join It, this will renew the amount of uses within Eventbrite as well.

Does Eventbrite still charge a fee on free tickets (from Discount code used)?

Eventbrite will never charge a fee on Free tickets -- so if a 100% discount code is used, then there will not be an additional fee taken by Eventbrite on this ticket/registration. 

What does the 'Quantity Available Per Code' refer to?

The Quantity available per code refers to 'Per Member', so this would be the total available per Member.

How do I delete an Event that is sync'd over to Join It?

You can a delete an Event within Join It, so it's not shown on your Membership page here. Or by going to the 'Events' tab, then clicking 'View events'.

Then you'll just click on the event you don't want to be listed and then click 'Delete this event'.

Can I set up both Single Event and Multi-Event Code Types?

Eventbrite doesn't allow for both Multi-event and Single-event automations to be used at the same time. So you'll want to pick which option works best and then just stick with that 'type'. :)

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